BRANT – Former Six Nations Fire Chief Michael Seth, is back in the neighbourhood as the new Fire Chief of the County of Brant. As of July 7, Seth will take the reins from acting fire Chief Geoff Hayman.
He temporarily covered the office since last October when Paul Boissonneault resigned to take a job offer from Oakville.
Seth will be in charge of eight fire stations when he takes office in Brant; however, he will be tasked with working with council to replace three stations in Cainsville, Scotland and Onondaga.
Seth, who left Six Nations for a job with the city of Thorold, Ont., was considered by Brant CEO Paul Emerson, because of his experience and initiatives be brought to the Six Nations paramedic program, and establishing the First Nations managed ambulance service.
For Seth, it is like a homecoming of sorts. It was with the Brant County Ambulance service where he began his career as a paramedic.