The Two Row Times is a free weekly news publication aimed at reaching the Ontario-wide Native market as well as Haudenosaunee communities in the United States. We used our pre-launch issue to introduce our project and our team. The first full issue of the Two Row Times launched with a print run of 20,000 copies on August 21st. 2013, and is now distributed on every reserve in Ontario and in neighboring non-Native communities.
Payment will cover postage and administration relating to mailing your weekly issue.
Price: $75.00 – $150.00
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- 6 Month Subscription ($75.00)
- 1 yr Subscription ($150.00
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at we accept e-transfer or cheque.
Send your cheque payable to: “GARLOW MEDIA”
Sent payment to:
Oneida Business Park Suite 124
50 Generations Drive, Box 1
Ohsweken, ON
N0A 1M0
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