Canada and Justice Minister David Lametti are waxing poetic about taking international law and reducing it under domestic Canadian law application. Implementing the United Nations…

Last week, I heard part of the Wizard of Oz song “Dingdong the wicked witch is dead”, replaying over and over, in my head, ……

Indigenous communities have always been the canaries in the coalmine: whether that meant the reserve systems would become precursors of apartheid system developed in South…

Are Canadians outraged right now? Are Canadians watching targeted attacks on indigenous people with glee or with remorse? Currently the Mi’kmaq people are fighting from…

Trudeau and the Federal government seem no closer to reconciling with Indigenous First Nations than before the onslaught of COVID 19. Trudeau and respective provincial…

While under the COVID 19 pandemic, Trudeau’s Liberal government has continued implementing zoom forced tactics, verbalizing policy without concrete funding and looking at legislation that…

Rallying cries are loudening across Canada for two First Nation Indigenous deaths that have stirred talks of racism, policing and the role of local, regional…

As the Covid19 lockdown took effect in March and April, activists were reporting pipeline construction activity continuing in BC. The BC government did nothing to…

The original people, the first inhabitants of this land have been facing increased challenges during the COVID 19 pandemic. There are still stories about infected…

Wet’suwet’en First Nation is currently under siege in northern British Colombia. Why are the Indians protesting? Why is this group of Indians trying to “stop”…

Canada’s abysmal record on reconciliation has achieved no benchmarks and no successes in the past decade, even as the Liberal government touts its propaganda. As…

In 2019, were there any significant changes in the situations for the original people of this land? The indigenous believe that life is a circle.…

Justin Trudeau continues to run his campaign on the false promises of repairing the relationship that exists between the original people and the greedy newcomers.…

Justin Trudeau made heavy promises to the original peoples when he was coming into the office of Prime Minister. In four years and on the…