SIX NATIONS – The Haudenosaune Confederacy Council, the authentic governing body of the Six Nations people, released an official statement yesterday on Bill C-10, saying they reject enforced legislation by foreign governments on sovereign territory.
The statement reads, in it’s entirety:
“The Haudenosaunee are a sovereign people with long standing relationship as Allies with the Crown. Our relationship has been clearly set out in our treaty relationship which was sanctified by the wampum passing between the Haudenosaunee and the Crown. These wampum belts include the Two Row Wampum and the Covenant Chain of Friendship, which requires our governments to respect our commitment to non-interference based on peace, mutual respect, and friendship.
For many years the Haudenosaunee have endured attempts by Canada to assimilate our people and undermine our way of life through the imposition of foreign legislation, the theft of our lands, and the theft of our national treasury monies. Despite the continued and ongoing efforts of Canada to assimilate the Haudenosaunee people we have seen the development of prosperous economies that support our families, clans, nations and our Confederacy.
Oyengwaoweh (Original Tobacco) is one of our most sacred gifts from the Creator and we continue to grow and use it in its intended manner. Modern tobacco has played a significant role in the development of our economies and while we are concerned with its commercial development and health concerns, Our Creator has granted us the inherent right to develop our economies free of unwarranted interference.
We wish to advise that we fully support the continued and ongoing efforts of all Haudenosaunee people involved in matters of trade and commerce, including tobacco. The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council (HCCC) reject the notion that Canada or any other foreign government can attempt to impose or enforce legislation against our people. We remain committed to peace with open and respectful dialogue in relation to these issues however we must advise that we will take the necessary steps available to us to protect our people, should Canada not reconsider its current approach.”
Six Nations "Iroquois"Confederacy – June 7, 2014 by Two Row Times