As the summer quickly approaches, there is no excuse to get outside, enjoy the fresh air and sort all the recycling that you may have been stockpiling over the winter. Many might not realize it, but recycling is one of the most important things you can do to help the environment. It’s an essential part of any waste management plan. The number of people in Six Nations that recycle is estimated to be at around 20%, meaning 80% of people in Six Nations do not recycle. Unfortunately this results in more waste being piled on the already over capacity landfill.
Recycling can be a better option than creating products from scratch since it reduces the overall demand for raw materials. Products that have been recycled use less energy to manufacture compared to products made with raw material. Thinking seven generations ahead, it’s clear that recycling and buying products made from recyclable materials is more sustainable and healthier for the planet.
Six Nations has a local recycling company, A.W. First Nations Recycling, that will pick up recycling from your house for a small fee of $8.00 per month. You can also take your recyclables to the landfill recycling facility and drop your pre-sorted items in the bins there.
How do you recycle?
Step 1: When starting to recycle, organization is key. You can purchase small stackable recycling bins from a hardware store and incorporate them in your home fairly easily. Four small stackable bins is a good place to start as you can label them Paper, Plastic, Glass, and Metal. You may find that a lot of items you usually would have thrown out can bypass your trash entirely and go straight into the recycling bin.
Step 2: When shopping for food, clothes and other items, it’s important to purchase items that are recyclable or made from recycled materials, so always check for the recycling symbol on the package.
Step 3: Always rinse or clean leftover food and liquids from the items you’re recycling.
Step 4: Check with A.W. Recycling to find out which day the recycling is collected on your street. Leave items at the roadside in sorted bins or bags, making sure that items are not able to blow away, thus creating further pollution. Alternatively, you can set aside half an hour each week to take your recycling in to the landfill recycling facility. Remember to follow your local sorting guidelines carefully.
The sorting guidelines for Six Nations’ A. W. First Nations recycling are as follows:
- Group number 1 plastics together
- Group all other plastics (numbers 2-7) together
- Group Steel/Tin/Aluminum together
- Group Cardboard together
- Group Paper/Cartons/Non-soiled paper together
- Group Glass Together
A Recycling Workshop will be held at the Community Hall on Tuesday, June 16 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. If you still have questions or are interested in a chance to win some free recycling bins, feel free to attend the Recycling Workshop. For more information, tips, and how-to articles, visit