Charity Golf in Tyendinaga raises money for a worthy cause

The Annual Charity Golf Fundraiser for the Tyendinaga Food Resource Centre was hosted at the Briar Fox Country Club on Friday June 5th.  The Briar Fox Golf and Country Club located on Old Highway 2 is a stone throw from Tyendinaga and has graciously hosted the fundraiser for the past 4 years and raising well over $50,000 for the Tyendinaga Food Resource Centre.

George Hill, Fundraising Coordination Team member, attributes the fundraiser’s success to the many volunteers, coordinators, donators both local and corporate and of course the golfers.  Golfer’s like Kirk Brant who thought it was a great day for golf despite the earlier “looks like rain” clouds.

You do not have to be a skilled golfer to win any prizes, trophies or even bragging rights.  The game is 4 person scramble, which means the team plays the best ball.  Each player hits their own ball and whosever ball goes the farthest, or is the closest to the hole is the place they all hit from next.  Therefore, as long as you have one good player you will eventually finish all 18 holes.

This year on the first hole, everyone had an opportunity to compete against Mitch “The Rocket” Rochette.  The Rocket has been competing in long drive competitions for 15 years.  Rochette says, “I’ve made it to the World Long Drive Championships 8 out of 12 years.  A player pays $5.00, then has an opportunity to outdrive “The Rocket”.  His longest drive is 465 yards.

Each hole has different rules and different ways to win.  For example, on the second hole a plastic ball that doesn’t go very far is used.  Hill built a 4-sided pyramid to cover hole number 3.  Other games include who lands their ball closest to the water or a squiggly line wins.  Noreen Claus, a Tyendinaga community member says, “I play golf once a year and it’s in this tournament.”

Every year, Carl Cox, shows up on the 15th hole with a $15,000.00 trailer.  The trailer is a gift donation, however, it happens to be a very difficult prize to win. The trailer is a “hole-in-one” prize.  There has yet to be a winner, but Carl remains hopeful.

Hill has been doing the fundraiser for the past four years and credits Dick Brant with starting the event.  They get donations from local businesses who donate gifts while others donate money.  He donated gifts are for silent auctions and is yet another way they raise funds for their cause.

As the fundraiser gains more notoriety, “there are golfers from Ottawa, but the majority are locals, I’m not sure where they all come from,” says Hill, “The people who do the corporate sponsoring send four people, and we fill up, we were filled up in April, and we have a waiting list.”

Should you have any further questions about the fundraiser and would like to get your corporation or team on the list for 2016 you can call (613) 966 – 2950 to leave a message for George Hill or call Cliff Brant (613) 396 – 3104.

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