OHSWEKEN — On Tuesday, January 21, those looking for assistance in filling out their Indian Day School Applications were invited to attend a help session at the Six Nations Community Hall with Six Nations Elected Council members — with the hope of more sit-down seminars to happen again in the future.
But for those that could not attend, as of January 13, the Indian Day School Settlement Claims Process has been open for Survivors who suffered harms while attending Federal Indian Day Schools and Federal Day Schools. Survivors can now take the next step in their journey by submitting a claim for compensation.
To get started, Survivors can complete the Claim Form or call 1 (888) 221-2898. Class Members will have two and a half years to submit their claims for compensation. The last day to submit a claim will be July 13, 2022.
The completed Claim Forms can be submitted to the Claims Administrator in the following ways:
To: Indian Day Schools Class Action Claims Administrator, c/o Deloitte
By Mail: PO Box 1775, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5C 0A2, or
By Fax: 416-366-1102, or
By Email: indiandayschools@deloitte.ca
After waiting many years for justice and recognition, the opening of the Claims Process is a major milestone in many Survivors’ lives. To assist people in the process, a number of supports are available for Class Members:
For any questions about the Claim Form or Claims Process, Survivors can call 1 (888) 221-2898. They will be given the option either to seek support from the Administrator on submitting a Claim or legal support and help filling out the Claim Form from Class Counsel. Mental health counseling and crisis support is available to Class Members 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the Hope for Wellness Hotline at 1-855-242-3310 or online at www.hopeforwellness.ca. Counseling is available in English, French, Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut, on request.”
Follow to link for more information: