Six Nations Elected Chief Ava Hill, along with band council representatives from Kahnawake and Tyendinaga met with NDP leader Thomas Mulcair at Parliament Hill last Thursday to talk about Bill C-10 and its ramifications to First Nations communities if the bill gets legislated.
Hill told Two Row Times that despite their attempts to assure politicians that if passed into law, Bill C-10 will have detrimental effects on First Nations territories they were left unsatisfied with the response from lawmakers. “We told them how jobs are going to be affected. They didn’t even know a lot of the stuff we told them on how this bill is going to affect our people” stated Hill.
On what the next steps are for Elected Council, Hill stated that they are slated to return to Parliament in May, this time hoping to meet with Conservative leaders. “We also need a communications campaign,” said Hill. “We need to educate others on how this Bill is going to effect people on Six Nations, and not just those involved in the tobacco trade. We need to coordinate with other communities.”
Bill C-10 still has one more reading and it is not sure when this will take place in Parliament which is currently on break right now for next two weeks.