OHSWEKEN — The Six Nations Elected Council is taking action against the spread of the coronavirus in the community, confirming Six Nations is facing the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Six Nations Emergency Control Group made several recommendations to the Elected Council in an effort to reduce community spread of the virus.
Last week a surge of cases sent local officials into action, acknowledging that there was no known source of infection for some cases and telling residents to take caution as the virus is active in the community. SNGR passed four motions: including extending school closures, mandatory masks and reducing gathering sizes.
The first motion involves the Federal Schools remaining closed to students but will be open to School staff until January 2021, and that this situation be re-assessed in December 2020 and a further decision made.
The second motion moved that face coverings be made mandatory within all indoor public spaces and ride services with the exception of children under the age of 2, a person with a medical condition or other disability that inhibits their ability to wear face coverings, a person who is unable to put on or remove their face covering without assistance, employees behind a physical barrier, and where in conflict with any college or professional guidelines.
Mandatory face coverings are required to enter all Six Nations department buildings and are to be work in office settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained. Face shields or mouth shields are not acceptable face coverings when used on their own.
The third motion passed calls for unmonitored indoor and outdoor gathering sizes reduced to household members only.
The final motion passed by EC strongly discourages home to home Trick or Treating.
Council will host an alternative Halloween celebration — a COVID safe Community Halloween Drive-thru event scheduled for October 30th, 2020 from 4:00PM to 7:00PM.