Grand River PowWow canceled

SIX NATIONS — On Monday, The Grand River Champion of Champions Pow Wow Committee made the decision to announce their cancellation of the 2020 pow wow scheduled for this July due to COVID-19.

“In light of the COVID-19 crisis throughout the world and in the best interest and safety for our community, dedicated participants and visitors, the Grand River ‘Champion of Champions’ Pow Wow scheduled for July 24-26, 2020 is cancelled,” reads the announcement made to Facebook.

“Out thoughts and prayers go out to everyone! And we thank you for your continued support. Nya weh! (thank you) to those out on the frontlines that are busy keeping all of us safe — doctors, nurses, first responders, store clerks and workers, trucks drivers and all others. Please help them to help us — stay home!”

The committee wrote that they look forward to bringing the pow wow next year on July 24 and 25.

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