At the monthly Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council meeting held last Saturday, Mohawk Chief Allan McNaughton explained to the Chiefs that he was contacted by Tom Malloy regarding Kanonhstaton. “Tom Malloy contacted me and wants to enter into discussions with the HCCC. I told him he had to talk to Jock (Hill).”
Malloy is the senior provincial negotiator and Ontario’s principal representative at negotiations between Haudenosaunee and Canada. He was appointed in 2008.
“They did try and contact me,” stated Hill. “I think we ought to pay attention to what they are doing and not take this lightly.”
After the Chiefs discussed this amongst their nations, Hill stood up and stated, “Council has agreed with myself. We need to work with HDI (Haudenosaunee Development Institute) and let them know where we stand regarding the situation that is escalating in Caledonia. We will meet Monday or Tuesday and they (Indian Affairs) want to meet Wednesday.
Coincidentally, on the same day, known antagonist Gary McHale was in Caledonia instigating yet another confrontation between his group and natives, along with their non-Native supporters.