HAMILTON – A lawsuit launched in September by Six Nations’ Bill Monture and Wilfred Davey against Aaron Detlor, Hazel Hill, Brian Doolittle and Elvera Garlow, and the board members of the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI) or its numbered corporate entities has been postponed again until early next year.
Monture and Davey are part of the Men’s Fire. They and a small group of supporters and other Men’s Fire members came to the John Sopinka Courthouse in Hamilton on December 13 to attend the court hearing — but were surprised when a representative requested that the case be rescheduled to January 26, 2017.
“We came ready to hear this thing out,” said Monture. “I really thought we were coming today to get the case rolling.”
Monture and Davey say that the case has to do with the handling and dealings of money with the HDI and it’s alleged lack of transparency as it attempts to communicate with the community of Six Nations.