Six Nations Public Works is tackling flood prevention from the McKenzie Creek area on Third Line Road.
After drainage was identified as a high priority for the community in the 2019 community plan, as well as a 2022 community priority study, public works has secured a contractor to help remediate the area that has been prone to flooding for years on Third Line Road, near OMSK Elementary School between Mohawk Road and Seneca Road.
This project will help protect those homeowners and their property, said Public Works Director Mike Montour.
Public Works secured $750,000 for the project from the Small Communities Fund which will fund two-thirds of the project, while Six Nations will spring for the other one-third of the project cost.
The flood remediation project focuses on McKenzie Creek – a tributary of the Grand River – on the west end of the reserve.
A flooding study on the creek that including storm events and climate change modelling helped influence the design and recommendations of the remediation plan.
Six flood damage centres were identified from that study, said Montour.
A task force was created to help move the project forward and will focus on proper drainage one the properties on Third Line near OMSK, council heard.
Property owners have been notified and will allow workers access to build channels and install drainage pipes in the area, said Montour.
They’ve also hired a drainage manager and are looking to beef up that department to address all flooding concerns on the reserve, he said.
County Line has been awarded the project to help execute the flood remediation project.
“The drain is going to be quite extensive,” said Montour.
Coun. Sherri-lyn Hill-Pierce said a lot of work has gone into planning and preparation for the project.
“I’m glad it’s finally coming to an end and we’re able to start construction,” she said.
Chief Mark Hill agreed.
“This has been a very long time coming.”
Council approved awarding the project to County Line Drainage for $646,918.