Six Nations has loosened most of its Covid safety requirements, as it continues to follow provincial guidelines on Covid safety measures.
As of March 21, masks became optional in most areas of the province and on Six Nations, as well, except for high-risk settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes and health care settings.
Proof of vaccines has never been required anywhere on Six Nations, but was lifted on Mar. 1 in Ontario.
Indoor gatherings are still limited to 50 people and the outdoor gathering limit is at 100.
Employees in Six Nations of the Grand River band offices are still required to wear masks.
The Six Nations Bingo Hall is currently open at 50 per cent capacity. That limit is planned to be lifted on April 17.
Off-reserve, many students continued to wear masks to school and inside public spaces
On-reserve, mask-wearing is now optional in public places.
“It’s at your discretion,” said Elected Chief Mark Hill. “I know people are going ot still obviously wear their masks if they feel comfortable to do so. We’re going to maintain that position.”
Ohsweken Public Health is asking people to continue following public health protocols, such as frequent handwashing, physical distancing and staying in isolation while awaiting a Covid test result and staying home if you don’t feel well.
The number of daily positive Covid cases on Six Nations continues to fall in the past month. There are currently 24 active cases in the community. Only three new cases were reported Monday (March 21).