SIX NATIONS – As of April 2020 – there are 13 Indian Act bands that makeup Six Nations of the Grand River consisting of 27,589 people – a total of 53.2% who do not live on the reserve.
Today, Mohawks make up the bulk of Six Nations band membership representing 4 bands: Upper Mohawk, Lower Mohawk, Walker Mohawk, and Bay of Quinte Mohawks. Mohawk bands represent a total of 12,216 members. A total of 52.2% of Six Nations Mohawk band membership or 6377 people live off the reserve.
The Cayuga are represented by 2 bands: Upper Cayuga and Lower Cayuga totaling 7663 people. Just under half of Cayuga band members – a total of 48.6% or 3723 people – live off the reserve.
The Onondaga have 2 bands at Six Nations: Bearfoot Onondaga and Onondaga ClearSky. They represent 1521 of Six Nations members. Of the Onondaga band membership a total of 814 members, 53.5%, are non-resident band members.
Six Nations is home to 2 Seneca bands: Konadaha Seneca and Niharondasa Seneca representing 993 people, including 604 off-reserve band members. That is 60.8% of Seneca band members who do not live on Six Nations.
Oneida is a single band representing 2148 people – a total of 1366 or 63.6% of whom do not reside on Six Nations.
Tuscaroras have 2333 band members – 57.2% or 1335 of whom do not live on Six Nations.
The Delaware make up 715 people belonging to Six Nations – a majority of which, 475 or 66.4%, do not live on Six Nations reserve.