Splash Pad is a Splashing Success

OHSWEKEN – Located in the heart of the Six Nations community and surrounded by the central activities zone, the brand new splash pad was opened to the public to enjoy during a soft opening on Friday, August 19.

After the soft opening and the water button was pushed, kids were given the opportunity to splash and play in the water with water gun shooters and beach balls alike.
After the soft opening and the water button was pushed, kids were given the opportunity to splash and play in the water with water gun shooters and beach balls alike.
Two “button pushers” were selected to press the button that would turn the splash pad on for the first time.
Two “button pushers” were selected to press the button that would turn the splash pad on for the first time.

Visitors awaited patiently and children were given beach balls provided by Open Space Solutions, a sponsor of the splash pad. Delegates from the Six Nations Elected Council opened for the event, with a cermonial ribbon cutting soon to come.

One of the first speakers was Chief Ava Hill, who said she hopes the kids “really enjoy this place.”

“I think it’s a good addition to our park,” said Hill. “As you look around our park, our sports and recreation area, there’s so many things going on here and it’s a real gem for our community. You know, whenever we get visitors here I always bring them over and talk about the fine things we’re doing here, because I’m really proud of this park,” she said.

But Chief Hill quickly turned her attention to the children, many of which had voted on which splash pad theme they liked best months before.

“What I want to say to all of the kids out there; [this] splash pad belongs to you kids, so you guys need to look after it, everybody needs to look after it. Don’t let anybody come in here and ride their bikes around in here or vandalize it or anything, because it belongs to you guys. And I want you guys to really look after it and make sure it’s really taken care of. Because it gets damaged you can’t use it,” she said.

“I also wanted to acknowledge Carl Hill, who has been pushing this project at the council table for the last 10 years. So, it’s a good day for Carl because we finally got a splash pad for the kids,” she said.

After thanking many and all sponsors and those that helped in the process of building the splash pad, Hill passed off the mic to Carl Hill.

“I don’t know where to begin. It’s been a long road,” said Hill. “I was in at least three terms and when it comes to the kids you have fight hard,” he said.

“You gotta go back and take a look at the contractors and the people involved. When I look around I see the little guys, the kids here. I just hope that we can keep this park and this splash pad in good shape and I hope everybody participates in helping to do that.”

“This here will be here for a long time and I can guarantee it will be used vigorously,” he said with a laugh.

By finishing the short introduction, a ceremonial ribbon cutting was performed after Hill requested a child to be the first to cut the ribbon. Soon to follow was a button pushing – which was performed by two selected children to turn on the splash pad on for the first time for the rest of the children.

It is safe to say that for the rest of the evening the splash pad brought together families and friends to enjoy a fun way to beat the heat.


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