Deadline for National Indigenous Coaching Awards approaches

ONTARIO — The Aboriginal Sport Circle is committed to supporting sport that fosters the development of the whole individual. The National Indigenous Coaching Awards are an embodiment of this philosophy.

In addition to their coaching achievements, recipients of this Award will have demonstrated a personal commitment to the principles of sportsmanship and fair play while acting as positive role models. Recipients also exemplify a commitment to a holistic lifestyle – one which embraces personal physical, mental, cultural and spiritual capacities.

“Applicants must be Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, Métis). Applicants must be active within the year of nomination (June 1, 2020- May 31, 2021). Applicants must demonstrate sportsmanship, fair play and ethics in sport. Applicants must complete a nomination package and submit to the Aboriginal Sport Circle on or before July 30, 2021 at 11:59pm Eastern Time.

Nominee’s name, age, gender, address, telephone number, sport(s) nominated for, and number of years coaching. Level of competition(s) achieved as a coach (i.e. community, regional, provincial, national, or international). 4-5 high resolution photos of the nominee coaching their athletes as well as 1 headshot.

Shows a personal commitment to their coaching development. Identify training or professional development that nominee has maintained and cite improvements from this training or professional development.

Demonstrates a positive image as it relates to their role as an Indigenous coach. Provide examples or testimonials of how the nominee’s conduct reflects the principles of fair play and sportsmanship as it specifically relates to the sport, officials, and the opposition. Provide written testimonials from program leaders, parents, athletes and/or Indigenous community as to the nominee’s positive image.

Demonstrates a commitment to a holistic lifestyle by maintaining a balanced physical, mental, cultural, and spiritual outlook. Provide up to testimonials from program leaders, parents, athletes and community.

Personal achievements: List any coach awards or levels of achievement that the nominee has received. Proof of achievements is requested (i.e., highest level of competition coached at top ranking and results, most valuable (MVC) and other accomplishments).

Two awards will be presented for one male award and one female. The recipients will be presented with their awards at the virtual 2021 Petro-Canada Sport Leadership Awards Gala on Thursday, November 4, 2021.”

The full application package can be found here:

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