Land claims are a legal declaration of desired control over areas of property including bodies of water.

The phrase is usually used only with respect to disputed or unresolved land claims. Some types of land claims include aboriginal (the term “aboriginal” is a creation of Canadian constitutional imposition, and oftentimes falsely applied, therefore most if not all claims from this office is relabeled and repackaged Canadian land claim) land claims, Antarctic land claims, and post-colonial land claims.

This of course is a colonial concept of ownership propagated by the papal bulls of the Vatican, allowing Christians to stake claims on foreign lands and rid the lands of conflicting authorities.

Romanus Pontifex, January 8, 1455 — …We bestow suitable favors and special graces on those Catholic kings and princes, …athletes and intrepid champions of the Christian faith… to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and… to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate… possessions, and goods, and to convert them to… their use and profit

The papal bull was a foreign claim on lands not within their realm, so this is the root of land claims of today and unlawful occupation on north America.

Another Papal bull Unam Sanctum 18 November 1302 states that:

“Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.”

The pope wants to be the father of all creatures (sons) of the earth. However when these ever-reaching offers made it to the Onkwehonwe we said in counter No, we shall not be like father and creature/son, but we shall be like brothers, this is recorded in the Two Row Wampum.

In pre-colonial history the six nations as it where, knew and had a shared concept of territory and war, to encroach onto a territory meant to risk certain death, however through confederation of the six nations and territories, the end of land claims brought about the end of war.

Sken:non kowa ken? (mohawk language) this means “is there still the great peace”, an unaffirmable question and greeting meant as a reminder to the peace between the people of the league of nations.

So this leads us into my main point that to make a land claim is the act of waging war against the people that live on the land and all those who are outside of the claim.

When six nations (53 nations) buried the hatchet between the league of nations and uniting the territories they had ended war against themselves by not claiming lands, it is known that the people are the land, the people are the water, so they speak to it, about it and for it.

From my legal studies, the crown or Vatican has made the land claims, Canada, the provinces, and municipalities make land claims, all based on a fraudulent document from the pope, Since all foreign claims to this land are based on Indians defined as pagans or sub-human, the claim is void from the mere fact that we existed then and do exist today.

Could this be why Canada does not want to recognize that first nations have human rights, would it void their papal claim, thus voiding every single colonial land claim to date, Fraud voids all from the beginning.

MAXIM: He who makes the claim has the burden of proof

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