Please consider this information as the underlying causes that precipitated the “blocking of access” to the Administration Building.
The Cause of Universal Justice, International Human Rights and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) have now been accepted widely among “players” at International Forums. The Peacemaker in conjunction with our families established a protocol of peace and wellness. The success or failure of these efforts are ongoing and shall be the legacy of this generation to the future generations. To understand the gravity of this challenge the writer asks that you look your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc. in the face and say that I am doing my very best for their benefit and wellbeing. This then becomes our common goal.
Forces both historic and contemporary that have undermined our goal are many.
The Doctrine of Discovery set in place by way of Roman Catholic Papal Bulls, the notion that the Kings of Europe had a “God Given Right” to the lands possessed by non-Christians. France claimed all land drained by the St. Lawrence River (Great Lakes Basin – Beaver Bowl). The Dutch claimed Island of Manhattan. The English by way of Henry Hudson claimed the lands drained by the Hudson River. These claims of discovery, initiated the now, long standing conflict with European Settlers.
Our presence of the Grand River is the result of many generations of resistance to those who are in the business of dispossessing our families (“Our Nations”). It is not “Nations” that are dispossessed but people of our families (that adhere to the “Cultural Patterns of the People”). We are being forced off the land (one at a time if need be to accomplish the objective of removal). The Cherokee removal act of Andrew Jackson era or the removal policy of General George Washington with his Generals Sullivan and Clinton are hardships that our families have endured. Removal of people requires firstly the notion then the deed. Once the notion is accomplished then the deed fallows, hidden as an accomplished fact. Public opinion need not be the result of “Canada’s Indian Act” policies (deeds). “Canada’s Indian Act” policies are a flashpoint of resistance to the harmful effect of those imminent deeds. Our internal dialogue and discourse is encouraged (Advisably take a closer inspection and analysis of our present situation and what benefit to our future (future generations).
In this effort, let us be attentive to the ambiguity of the “English Language”. This ambiguity is intentional and by design. Our ancestors called it the fork tongue. That evaluation is as true now as it was then. Contemporary usage of the fork tongue by both Justine Trudeau and Donald Trump are evident.
The concept of culture in present usage is limiting at best, propaganda at its worst. Culture is greater than visual and performing arts. Culture is the interaction within the people and interaction with their environment (Our Way of Life-acts of being).
Our Indigenous World View expressed in our cultural practices is what is at issue today. Through Indian Affairs, bureaucrats (Band Councils and Band Administration) are in the business of changing our “cultural patterns”. Let us stand together against efforts and policies aimed at changing “our cultural patterns” and reclaim the inheritance of our ancient ways handed down to us their children for the benefit of our future, generations yet to come.
Yours Truly,
“Larry Green”