The Great Law Discussion held by the Hodiskeagehda Men’s Fire of the Six Nations Grand River Territory held on the week of November 19-23, 2018 was a huge success, following a number of setbacks.
The Oneida Men’s Fire contributed a lot all week long with questions and realization of how important these teachings are to our culture.
Thank you to visitors from other territories, Seneca’s, Sarnia, Onishnabe, who made the journey. Thank you to visitors from the Wisconsin Reserves. Nia:weh to the speakers who shared their knowledge and amplified it in a way that allowed us to use our own minds to address issues in our community.
The following people, organizations, and members who helped to facilitate this event, deserve a huge Nia:weh. Thank you to Paul Delorand, Francis Boots and Loran Thomspon from Akwesasne. Thank you to Frank Miller of Six Nations. Mia:weh to Yvonne Thomas and her Wampum Displays and the knowledge she shared with them. Thank you to CookHouse Catering and Toni L. Anthony. Thanks to MTS Native Services for printing the Posters for the Advertising. Much appreciation to Two Row Times for help advertising in their paper for the event. Thank you to CKRZ 100.3FM and Jukasa Radio 93.5 for their announcements over the radio. Thanks to Jukasa Radio for advertising contributions.
Nia:weh to the local business who generously donated to our monetary needs, to The Gathering Place for renting and supplying the kitchen to facilitate the event.
Thank you to the Bears Inn for the lodging our special speakers.
And thank you to those who I may have missed that contributed to this event
The Men’s Fire of the Grand River Territory want to express our best to all. No:ia! And continue these types of teachings.
Niaweh gowa
The Men’s Fire of the Six Nations Territory of the Grand River