As many seek answers to the questions concerning the activities of HDI and HCCC, please consider this following timeline as information to assist all to understand the causes of the disunity demonstrated on Onondaga road this past Saturday.
I share this timeline as background information to assist us all to when we make effort to come to one mind concerning the many issues. Our present circumstance is the accumulation of 400 years of colonial or neocolonial occupation by forces hostile to our way of life (genocide). These forces are hostile to our Earth Mother.
1) 1609 – Samuel de Champlain (French) attacks, defeats and kills three “Mohawk” Royane at Ticonderoga (marked the beginning of a century of warfare between the French and the Mohawk/Iroquois)
2) 1613 – Mohawks make Treaty of Tawagonshi with the Dutch (Two Row Wampum)
3) 1658 – Jesuit mission among the Onondagas is threatened by Mohawks, the French removed the mission after only two years
4) 1686 – Denonville under pretext of peace captures all 50 Royane (Chiefs) of the Iroquois (they’re sold into slavery)
5) 1710 – Four North America (three Mohawk and a Mahican) delegates meet Queen Ann and are received as Ambassadors. (“the Queen Ann’s Case” sets out the relation under rule of “law”)
6) 1713 – End of War of the Spanish Succession, France cedes much of Acadia colony to England
7) 1744 – Treaty of Lancaster signed without “Mohawk” participation English and French are struggling to acquire “Indian” land (Benjamin Franklin is present)
8) 1755 – Hendrick, one of the Ambassadors to Queen Ann’s Court is killed by the French at the Battle of Lake George (13-year-old Joseph Brant is present at the battle)
9) 1760 – Surrender of New France after the Siege of Quebec City
10) 1763 – Royal Proclamation (said to be founding document of “Canadian Constitution”)
11) 1776 – Thirteen English colonies declare Independence from England (the American Revolution begins)
12) 1781 – English General Cornwallis surrenders to General George Washington and French Army Troops led by Comte Rachambeau at Yorktown (Mohawks are alone to fight the 13 colonies and a renewed force of French whom they had just defeated at the Siege of Quebec City, 1761)
13) 1779 – General George Washington orders General Clinton and Sullivan to destroy the Mohawks (and such others of four surviving Nations) that they will never rise again (remanence of the League of Peace flee to Fort Niagara and later to the Ouse/Grand River Country)
14) 1784 – Joseph Brant forces Haldimand to fulfill his pledge made before the hostilities of the American Revolution
15) 1812 – Americans are repelled by Mohawks and such others of the remaining Nations of the League of Peace at Stoney Creek and at Brant’s crossing on the Ouse/Grand River.
Let us learn from history that we may not make the mistakes of the past.