A new article from the Law Times revealed that by far the largest spending on legal battles by the Canadian government is taking place in…
History is funny sometimes, how things that go around come around. Like many people attending Remembrance Day ceremonies across the country I turned my back…
Senator Patrick Brazeau, 38, who is being investigated by the RCMP over allegations of breach of trust over his housing and expense claims, and faces…
Hundreds of years ago when Onkwe:honwe (Indigenous) people had complete domain over this continent they commonly did one thing from the Atlantic to the Pacific…
TIOTIAHKE (MONTREAL) – Kahsatstenhsera: Indigenous Resistance to Tar Sands Pipelines is a short documentary film and anti-pipeline movement resource co-produced by Amanda Lickers and subMedia.tv…
To suggest there are many and far more pressing issues facing Native people than being exploited and insulted by sports teams is an obvious understatement.…
WINNIPEG – Portage and Main, the busiest intersection in downtown Winnipeg was closed to traffic and instead rang out with jingles, drumming, whoops, and singing…
OTTAWA-UN Special Rapporteur James Anaya concluded his tour of Canada earlier today with a press conference reviewing his findings. Anaya met with federal and provincial…
EDMONTON – When Metis artist Christi Belcourt heard about the disappearance of a number of indigenous women in her area, she was overwhelmed with emotion.…
Steven Newcomb is the author of “Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery.” He is the foremost authority on the subject.…
In today’s information age, it is impossible to keep skeletons in the closet for long, as Prime Minister Stephen Harper is finding out.
We often hear from the righteous voices of the U.S. and Canada when looking at countries and peoples they view as inferior, that the “…