Building healthy immune function in children is like buying a car – you get the best results by choosing the options that are the closest “fit” for your individual family, not by buying the same car as all the neighbours.
Despite the aggressive marketing, government subsidization and widespread acceptance among the colonial medical system of measures that assume that a child’s immune system needs pharmaceutical “help” or that having three days of fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes and a distinctive rash during the process of acquiring immunity naturally should be avoided entirely, caregivers today have more options than ever.
Here are some things to discuss with your healthcare practitioner to help you decide if vaccination is the right vehicle to bring your child to a healthy future.
1) Breastfeeding or Formula – the average duration of breastfeeding among traditional Indigenous cultures is about 4 years as compared to less than 6 months among colonialized populations. Extended breastfeeding gives children a head start in the immunity department because the mother’s body adds digestive enzymes and specific antibodies to breast milk “on demand,” and unlike most manufactured infant formulas, it contains virtually no iron or other kidney-clogging and brain-buzzing metals or minerals that might cause difficult-to-diagnose problems later in life.
2) Feed Your Genes – traditional diets like Healthy Roots honour the dynamic balance between genetic adaptation and a changing environment. If you want to know what your individual immune-boosting “genetic comfort foods” are, start by looking at what your ancestors on your mother’s side were eating and drinking seven generations (about 300 years) ago.
Remember that activity levels play a big role in nutritional requirements and that too much of a good thing (even high-quality protein) can be a bad thing if you don’t use it properly.
3) No Cocktails for Kids – contrary to the tax-funded promotional material, Canada has some of the weakest water quality protection policies, regulations and legislation in the world. Particularly damaging to overall child health is early exposure to the concoction of water treatment additives, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, agro-chemicals and industrial pollutants in the water supply (many of which are new to Nature) that can trigger symptoms like fever, nausea/fasting, diarrhea, rash, runny nose, cough and bowel inflammation as the body tries to eliminate the toxins.
Fluoride in water is a powerful catalyst for “biochemical over-reactions” of all sorts, so it’s wise to reduce or eliminate this exposure first. And until the government gets its priorities straight and ensures safe drinking water for all dependents of Mother Earth (including the aquatic species at the other end of the pipe), it is a good idea to make sure that all pregnant women and children are consuming the highest purity water you can afford.
4) Beware of Pirates – the key thing to consider from an environmental health perspective is modern over-exposure to immune-busting agents that can hijack modern food systems as well as water, air and soil. Herbicide, pesticide and desiccant (drying agents) residues in soy, corn, wheat, animal feeds and processed foods (including infant formula), together with antibiotics and hormones in factory-farmed meat, all undermine immune function and can be largely avoided by eating organic, GMO-free and locally-sourced foods. It’s even better for your immune system if you and your children grow the food yourself. Visit the Children’s Lands website to get started at
5) Show Me the Data – anyone who’s ever made a triple batch of chocolate chip cookies knows how difficult it is to make sure all the ingredients in the recipe are evenly distributed and how impossible it is to make each cookie identical, never mind how important it is that nothing goes “off” before, during or after the time in the kitchen.
Mass production of vaccines has many of the same undocumented quality control/quality assurance (QA/QC) problems, plus there are multiple suppliers of the nine ingredients in the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine, so consumers really have no way of assessing the overall safety rating of the final product without the assistance of the Big Data technologies like the smartphone and internet apps that are on the way.
Meanwhile, scientists studying vaccine safety are particularly concerned about the hidden ingredients in two components on the MMR (MMRII) label provided on the US Center for Disease Control website, namely “Medium 199” and “Minimum Essential Medium.” These formulations are designed to feed the chick embryo cells that assemble and copy the antigens (protein strands) that get injected into the bloodstream to stimulate the production of antibodies, the First Responders of your immune system.
The concern is that these “processed cell foods” contain phenol red (a weak estrogen mimic), glycine and phosphate (the building blocks for glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide “Round Up”) and elemental iron (an agent of oxidative stress) in about half of the formulations listed by supplier Sigma-Aldrich on its Iron Fact Sheet (
Additionally, there’s possible chemical contamination of the glucose component, as well as fluoride contamination of the mineral salts, depending on the source of the raw materials and production/processing methods.
When the media or medical experts start quoting statistics related to extreme health complications attributed to measles (typically encephalitis or death), it is not clear whether they are talking about “actual” or “estimated” incidence in a population, never mind what the underlying cause might have been.
More risk is incurred for every link added in the chain between raw Earth materials and an individual child, and no one is keeping track of the overall process. This means that it is impossible for caregivers or healthcare guides to weigh the risks of an adverse reaction to the MMR vaccine against the questionable benefits of trying to outperform the immune system the Creator gave you.
Since most people don’t know exactly how their child’s genetic gun is loaded and there is no comprehensive data available on adverse reactions to colonial medical intervention within the context of a multitude of environmental factors, it is perhaps wise to use the Precautionary Principle in a way that focuses on creating and maintaining an environment that’s firing on all cylinders instead of skipping the immune system’s “driver training” classes.