BRANTFORD – Brant County Health Unit says 25 cases of novel coronavirus in Brantford and Brant County that meet the new definition of what is considered a case, set by the Ministry of Health last week.
According to a statement from the BCHU, the cases being considered probable cases, without lab testing confirmation, as per the Ministry of Health’s new directives.
“Lab testing has been for ordered for these 25 cases and results are still pending. These individuals are being followed with case and contact management as if they are confirmed cases until test results are received,” said the statement.
As of today, Brantford and Brant County still have no lab confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Staying at home until you feel well is still the best course of action anyone can take to avoid spreading COVID-19.
In order to decrease transmission of COVID-19, public health units across the province are now recommending that all residents practice social distancing. Social distancing involves taking steps to limit the number of people you come in close contact with. This will help to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the community.
The BCHU COVID-19 call centre continues to experience high call volumes. We have recently responded by adding more staff and have increased the line’s hours of operation.