SIX NATIONS – A recent Corporate Profile Report confirms that the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI) is operating as a numbered corporation, registered under the jurisdiction of Ontario as ‘2438543 Ontario Inc.’.
Two Row Times obtained documents showing land was purchased on Pauline Johnson Road, just outside the borders of the Six Nations Reserve. The April 2015 purchase occurred between a Brant County resident and a corporation named only as ‘2438543 Ontario Inc.’.
Local residents near the Pauline Johnson Road property informed the TRT that the land had been “sold to HDI”.
Copies of the land transfer given to TRT did not name HDI, but instead listed a corporation with the same mailing address as HDI.
An online search through the Ministry of Government Services listed ‘2438543 Ontario Inc.’ as a “Corporation under the jurisdiction of Ontario”. Hazel Hill is noted as the Director of the Corporation, which was launched in October of 2014, and identifies Hill as a Canadian resident.
Additional research confirmed that on May 27, 2015 a change was submitted to the corporate structure: adding Aaron Detlor as Secretary and Brian Doolittle as President. Both men are also at the core of HDI and are listed on the document as Canadian residents.
HDI has publicly stated numerous times they have been “legislated” by the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council (HCCC) as the “administrative arm” of the community’s traditional governing body.
However, since the formation of the Confederacy the Haudenosaunee people have stood on the grounds of sovereignty – not being under the jurisdiction of Ontario and that the Haudenosaunee people are not Canadians.
HDI has also publicly condemned the Elected Council as a merely an extension of the federal government, further declaring the Confederacy is the legitimate self-governing body of Haudenosaunee people of the Grand River Territory.
Employees of HDI have insisted they are only operating under the leadership of the HCCC. HDI lawyer Aaron Detlor recently addressed the question of why he is on Six Nations, saying, “…because the Confederacy has asked me to do that work. The Chief’s Council asked me to do the work, so I do the work. I do negotiations. I draft agreements.”
HDI has also very publicly stated that registering land under the HDI, would protect and preserve Six Nations sovereignty by not requiring registration under the Ontario Realty Corp.
TRT emailed HDI to seek clarification regarding the formation of this corporation operating out of the HDI office at the GREAT building in Ohsweken.
HDI media director and publisher of the Turtle Island News, Lynda Powless, responded to those questions, saying that at the November 2014 meeting of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council, the formation of this corporation “was publicly discussed and a full description given and HCCC approval received (Dec. 24th).”
Profile reports for the numbered corporation however, state that the corporation was formed on October 20, 2014; before Powless said the approval was given.
Six Nations residents, clan mothers and chiefs the TRT has spoken to seem to know nothing about the corporation and were upset when shown the corporate profile.
TRT has also obtained copies of a letter written by HDI Director Hazel Hill, showing that despite several Canada-wide protests over the controversial Enbridge Pipeline, HDI has engaged with Enbridge to seek some form of financial restitution in exchange for their support.
Enbridge line 9 extention by Two Row Times
In a letter to Sinia Fazari, the Aboriginal Affairs Advisor for Enbridge, Hill writes regarding Line 9, “In the spirit of good faith, the Haudenosaunee agreed to place its monitors in the project area(s) while Enbridge and the HDI worked through an agreeable process of engagement that would not only meet the obligations of the Crown, but would provide the Haudenosaunee with the required justification of the infringement, and provide Enbridge the required free prior and informed consent of the Haudenosaunee.”
As the HDI is operating under the authority of the HCCC — any possible agreement that would allow the Enbridge pipeline would be contrary to almost every other First Nation along its’ path who have allied together to stop it.
According to their website, the HDI was put in place to “protect Haudenosaunee heritage sites” including the Grand River.
It would seem an agreement with Enbridge to allow the transport of oil sands bitumen in a tube, which crosses the Grand River at various points, would be counter to the protection of the land and the river itself.
More evidence comes forward indicating that communication between the people and the process at HDI is not clear.
People of the Six Nations confederacy (and that includes every person of the Six Nations despite religious believes it includes everyone) have been lied to by both sides of government. The people of the longhouse have destroyed THE GREAT LAW in their race for the treasures that companies like Enbridge have dangled in their face encouraged by none other than their LAWYER AD. People fought in 2006 for the right reasons only to be blindsided by HCC and HDI in the aftermath, enter AD the savior of the confederacy who many believe to be put here by outside powers being it Gov. or Big Energy. What happen to the negotiations,all of a sudden cut off with no results or explanation why, did some get paid off to drop it? Enter Band Council sealing deals immediately after all the unrest on the reserve. The very existence of the great law seems to be in jeopardy because of the actions of SOME chiefs and SOME clanmothers , people will find out who they are.. Wake up people ask the hard questions. Now HCC has called for full council Saturday May 7 , WHY? Do they need the backing of more corrupt chiefs from other territories? The clan mothers and their chiefs who stood against this corruption will be in danger lets protect them and the truth.