Judge grants injunction on Central Admin property protests

BRANTFORD – An interim injunction was granted this afternoon – ordering protesters to leave the front lawn of the Six Nations Elected Council Central Administration building.

Justice David Broad approved the interim injunction. The decision on an interlocutory injunction and costs are being held over until September 27.

Just one of the named defendants, Gary Johnson, was in court.

Justice Broad said the interlocutory matter would be carried over to provide time for the other named defendants to respond and decide if they wish to participate.

Six Nations Elected Council is seeking a permanent injunction order against Laurel Curley, Colleen Davis, Micheal Davis, Robert Davis, Gary Johnson, Joleen Johnson, Colin Martin, Rhonda Martin, Bruce Smith, Celeste Smith, sand unnamed persons.

The court identified Rhonda Martin and Colleen Davis as leaders of the occupation. Both Martin and Davis, along with Joleen Johnson, appeared in court briefly for the afternoon session but did not participate in the hearing.

Justice Broad read that his decision was in part made, due to claims by Six Nations that the ongoing protest would impact the community’s reputation and economic stability if it were allowed to continue through the upcoming pow wow weekend.

Martin laughed out loud when the judge read his decision and Davis and Johnson quietly shook their heads.

Gary Johnson addressed the court and said he doesn’t believe his name should be included in the claim and says he had no part in the protests of the Central Administration building.

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