Renewable power, a step in the right direction

OHSWEKEN – Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation (SNGRDC) in partnership with Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and SunEdison Canadian Construction LP are proud to announce they have obtained a Large Renewable Procurement 1 (LRP 1) contract from the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO).

Those involved seek to develop a 44 MW Solar facility in Haldimand County. The Nanticoke Solar project will span across four land parcels that are either currently owned or will be leased by OPG.

SNGRDC will invest approximately $2 million to acquire a 10 per cent economic interest in the project. This investment is expected to generate roughly $7.4 million for the Six Nations Community over 20 years. Profits generated from all SNGRDC projects are directed to a newly formed Economic Development Trust which is anticipated to be unveiled in June 2016.

SNGRDC is committed to ensuring its investments reflect the people of Six Nations and their duty to protect the environment for future generations.

“We are delighted that Nanticoke Solar was selected,” says Matt Jamieson, SNGRDC president and CEO. “This project aligns with our community values of sustainability and environmental prosperity. Investing in clean energy benefits the people of Six Nations economically without compromising the future of our children.”

The IESO received 103 LRP 1 proposals for renewable power generation projects, out of these submissions, 16 successful contracts were awarded. Given the level of competition, SNGRDC and its partners are excited to be one of seven solar power projects accepted by IESO this year.

SNGRDC currently participates in 868MW of renewable energy through 13 solar or wind power projects either directly or indirectly.

The next steps in the LRP 1 process include working with Ontario Power Generation and SunEdison Canadian Construction LP to finalize agreements and obtain the various approvals and consultations necessary to move this project forward. Construction is planned to commence in 2017 for a period of two years.

Preliminary environmental investigations are already underway to examine the sites natural heritage, surface water, species at risk, as well as archaeological and cultural history.

For additional details on the Nanticoke Solar Project please visit

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