Two area teachers have been selected to receive the Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair Champion Teacher Recognition Award for 2015.
Sonja Greene and Lenora Maracle from J.C. Hill Elementary will be inducted into the BASEF Champion Teacher Hall of Fame at the BASEF Awards Ceremony next week. Both will be honoured with a plaque and $250 to go toward their classrooms.
The BASEF Champion Teachers are recognized for going ‘above and beyond’ leading their students in their science projects and understanding the concepts they are studying to prepare for the Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair.
Last month, the Six Nations District Science Fair saw hundreds of Haudenosaunee students excelling in the sciences. Winners from that science fair were selected to bring those projects to BASEF, competing against hundreds of other projects from the Hamilton, Haldimand/Norfolk, Brant and Niagara regions. BASEF begins this Wednesday at Mohawk College in Hamilton. Public viewing for the projects is open on Saturday, March 28th from 9 a.m. to noon.