OHSWEKEN – Six Nations has a new way of verifying band members to enter the territory.
Six Nations Elected Chief Mark Hill made the announcement during a radio announcement on Friday saying permits were being sent to residents through the mail this week.
In a letter addressed to band members – Chief Mark Hill says a new barcode system has been initiated for all band members regardless of residency. The former paper passes will be void as of May 8.
The new rules are:
1. All Six Nations Band Members are allowed on the territory regardless of residency and their vehicle ID must be visible on the dashboard;
2. Barcode Random checks may occur
3. IF there are 3 or more individuals in a vehicle ,further checks may occur including presentation of a status card of each passenger
4. Barcodes and Status Cards will be checks through the window (You do not need to put your window down)
5. Anyone making a delivery will need proof of invoice or work order, regardless of what type of delivery
6. We ask everyone to PLEASE SLOW DOWN and respect each of the checkpoints.
Additional vehicle ID passes for band members or essential services and deliveries can be picked up at the Six Nations Bingo Hall starting Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until Noon with a status or Haudenosaunee ID card.
There are currently 11 cases of COVID-19 in the community – 8 are resolved, one person has died and 2 cases are active. There have been over 400 tests done to date.