SIX NATIONS — Six Nations Police responded to reports of a large gathering over the weekend on Sixth Line.
Officers attended a location on Saturday just after 11:00 p.m. and say approximately 20 vehicles were seen. The homeowner was given information about the risks of coronavirus spread and educated on provincial restrictions of gatherings of more than 5 people.
Police say officers were called off to an active emergency and returned two hours later to find the vehicles gone and the home locked.
Police are reminding the public to be diligent to avoid large gatherings of people and are encouraging people to practice social distancing to mitigate community spread of COVID-19 on Six Nations.
To date Six Nations has 9 confirmed positive coronavirus cases and 1 death.
Six Nations Elected Council released a statement saying there were reports of several other gatherings over the weekend – urging the public to comply with physical distancing protocols and committing to increasing security measures in the community.
“As a result of last night’s large house party, the Six Nations Emergency Control Group (ECG) has called for increased security measures to further limit access to the Territory. The decision to increase security measures at all access points occurred after an outpouring of calls from concerned community members about Saturday night’s incident. Community members are concerned about the increased threat of COVID-19, due to people’s direct disobedience of Public Health’s direction to physical distance and isolate during this global pandemic,” said the statement.
SNGR said “It is important for the community to understand that a person can pass COVID-19 to another person for 2 days before they even have symptoms. This means that a person can carry the virus without showing symptoms and pass this virus to vulnerable people in our community; our Elders, knowledge keepers, infants and those with chronic medical conditions. These vulnerable people may suffer a much more serious form of this disease.”