OTTAWA – APTN reported that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday slammed the door shut on a call from Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde to begin talks on reopening the Constitution to clearly define the place of Indigenous rights within the Canadian federation.
Indigenous leaders were excluded from a meeting last Friday between Ottawa and the provinces on a new climate plan, Bellegarde said it was time to begin talks on reopening the Constitution. On Monday, during a year-end media conference in Ottawa, Trudeau quashed any notion his government would entertain such a request.
The prime minister said his government’s energy and attention would be better spent on its stated priorities instead of “Constitutional squabbles”. Trudeau said his government is committed to “concrete and tangible ways” to improve the relationship between Ottawa and Indigenous peoples.
‘Concrete and tangible WAYS” Whatever does that mean, some sort of doubletalk ? IMO F.N.’s should be relocated closer to civilization,kids could mingle with other kids and eventually assimilate,get an education, think about it, is it normal to isolate the future with by gone culture to be kept in as I regard it “Prison”Cultures have to change if they want to survive as we are killing them with kindness.I often wondered if reserves held a referendum,would they say yay or nay.on relocating. Now that would be Concrete and Tangible.
And it would solve what?????