I am writing to voice my utter dismay of the human rights violations by Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) security forces and the National Guard against peaceful, unarmed protectors at Standing Rock.
The level of violence committed against these protectors is totally uncalled for. [And] that the bank of which I have been a faithful customer of for so many years would finance corporations who have authorized their security to use the level of violence we have all witnessed via news feeds and social media is appalling and needs to stop, now!
There has been NO effort on their part to mitigate the violence.
Therefore, I am appealing to a higher sense of morality in demanding TD bank to withhold funding until such a time as the corporation(s) actively seek a more peaceful approach to the protest and respects human rights. Better yet, that TD withdraws its financial investment altogether. Rubber bullets, attack dogs, pepper spray, assault rifles, shotguns, and batons against women, elders and children just doesn’t cut it for me. Neither does the wanton destruction of property and disrespect for Sacred items of our faith set well with me. I find this whole affair and TD’s participation in the funding process particularly repugnant.
Clive Garlow
Six Nations of the Grand River Territory