McMaster Children’s Hospital opens Indigenous families room in memory of Makayla Sault

Officials say creation of the space is a visible step toward reconciliation with indigenous communities HAMILTON — McMaster Children’s Hospital took a historic act of…

Family of Makayla Sault speak out about their experiences

The following is a statment shared by the parents of Makayla Sault during a forum at McMaster University. It is published here in its entirety.

Doctors at McMaster warned using CAS against indigenous families a “horrific” repeat of historical trauma

A hall full of Oncologists and national press gathered to hear the parents of Makayla Sault and the mother of J.J. speak at McMaster University.…

McMaster Indigenous Studies: Health care policies unable to accommodate indigenous well-being

McMaster University’s Indigenous Studies faculty, staff and students released a statement this week in honour of the life of Makayla Sault. The statement says: “We…

UPDATE: No visible signs of cancer for Six Nations girl who left chemo

SIX NATIONS OF THE GRAND RIVER – The 11 year old Kanienkeha’ka girl from Six Nations who was under threat to be removed from her…

Can the court force this Six Nations child back to chemo?

Late Friday, Two Row Times learned that the CAS and McMaster Children’s Hospital are seeking a push from the courts to forcibly return Jada Johnson…