Yeráhstha Ayenónhstate Ne Kanyen’kéha

Ákta yà:ya’k niyohserá:ke tsi náhe tayontáhsawen Onkwehonwehnéha ayontéweyenhste ne Alyssa General. Ohséhton tóka’ni Megan yontatena’tónhkwa ne ronatenróshon. 2008 shiyohserò:ten Alberta na’tontá:yen. Eh wa’tyontstikáhwha ayetshén:ri ne…

National Indigenous Writers Working Group Formed

VANCOUVER – Who better to define and lead a national indigenous writers union than indigenous writers themselves? Its hard to believe, with the number of…

Onkwawén:na Kentyóhkwa

Sha’té:kon niwáhsen wisk nihá:ti ronatohétston tsi wahontéweyenhste Kanyen’kéha Onkwawén:na Kentyóhkwa nón:we. Tyóhton yawén:re tewen’nyá:wer tyóhton niwáhsen tyóhton shiyohserò:ten wahahténtya’te ne Onkwawén:na Kentyóhkwa yontaweya’táhkwa ne Owennatékha. Shontahontáhsawen, o’karahsnéha ok…

Mohawk Warriors Society revival campaign notification

My name is Bill Sears, Skaghenhate’, War Chief since the 1990 Oka golf course crisis in Quebec. I was told by the women of the…

Why James Anaya’s visit to Canada matters, and why it doesn’t go far enough

It has been a week since the departure of UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya, and the response remains varied.…

Scientific evidence and native oral history tells us the same story

Hundreds of years ago when Onkwe:honwe (Indigenous) people had complete domain over this continent they commonly did one thing from the Atlantic to the Pacific…

New community group expresses COURAGE

A new community group – “Courage Offering Understanding Raising Aspirations Gaining Empowerment” or COURAGE for short – has been formed in Six Nations. The group…


Kenténha (October) 17, 2013 – The Mohawk Nation at Kahnawà:ke – People of the Longhouse – is horrified by the recent RCMP attack of indigenous protesters…

Renewing the Anishinabek/Haudenosaunee Friendship Belt

The Oshkimaadziig Unity Camp was established when the Coldwater Narrows Specific Land Claim Settlement was pending approval in 2012 by Beausoliel, Rama, Cape Crocker and…

Six Nations delegation plans to visit Elsipogtog

To the people of Six Nations, My name is Christopher Hill. My Indian name is Owelo and I’m a member of the Iroquois Confederacy. I’m…

Wood stick lacrosse tournament seeks support

Dear Community Members, As most of you remember in 2008 our community suffered a great shock when Tashina General was reported missing and an even…

Idle No More needs to start at the bottom

Dear Editors, Some of my family and friends organize with Idle No More, and I have nothing but love and respect for them. But of…

Virve Wiland – Librarian at woodland cultural centre

The Two Row Times is being very well received both at the museum and here at the library. People are phoning in asking if we…


The Two Row Wampum (first made between the Haudenosaunee and the Dutch 400 years ago) as well as the United Nation Declaration on the Rights…

Letter to the Editor: Response to “The Big Lie: The Doctrine of Christian Discovery”

I’d like to begin by stating “Christianity never fairs well when it is in power”, history can attest to this. When the Church aligned itself…