BRANTFORD — Six Nations Polytechnic held an open house at the school’s new campus in Brantford Saturday at an event for prospective students from the area and their parents.

The building at 411 Elgin Street, was formerly home to Mohawk College’s Brantford campus.
Students were encouraged by an empowerment presentation by professional basketball freestyler and motivational speaker Q-Mack, and professional beatboxer Scott Jackson. The duo showcased their talents while encouraging students to increase confidence by trying new things — encouraging them to press forward with their education and life goals.
Tours through the new campus followed, including an arts workshop to showcase the schools new Indigenous Arts program starting this fall.
The new campus can accommodate up to 1000 students and will be home to the Native University Program, Indigenous Visual Arts, Practical Nursing, Police Foundations, Personal Support Worker, Concurrent Disorders and pre-trades/pre-tech programs.