Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Services is opposed to the manufacturing or retailing of alcohol within our Six Nations Territory

Dear Editors,

Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Services is writing to support the Notice submitted by the Six Nations “Iroquois” Confederacy, Grand River County.

Ganohkwasra has been in existence for over 26 years; and during this time provided family violence prevention services to thousands of community members, women, children, youth and men. Based on our experience, alcohol and drugs have largely precipitated the violence and abuse occurring within our homes and our Six Nations community.

The result of these violent episodes has put our community members at risk of harm and in some cases, death. Therefore, as an organization whose mandate is for the safety and protection of women, men and children from family violence and sexual assault, and to uphold the principles of the centrality of the family unit within our society, Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Services is opposed to the manufacturing or retailing of alcohol within our Six Nations Territory.


Sandra Montour, Executive Director
Mary Monture, Chairperson, Board of Directors

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