The Six Nations Elected Council acknowledges the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. This report to federal, provincial and territory governments took a serious look at the systemic failures at all levels that has led to the preventable murders and abductions of our women and girls. We acknowledge and stand with all the children left behind and families from Six Nations of the Grand River and across the country that have been impacted. We are humbled by your courage, strength and resilience and hold you close in our hearts every single day.
We join all Indigenous leadership by calling on Canadians to take a moment and reflect on the report findings as ask themselves what they can do to make this a safe place for everyone, what measures can be put in place to prevent murders and abductions of our women and girls. Canadian citizens need to move beyond tolerance, become a change maker and join us in calling on all levels of government to implement the findings in the report.
For the families impacted, the needless lost lives are very real to us and the grieving continues. The final report features many topics, such as policing, human trafficking, and sexual exploitation, among many other issues faced by Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and the Two Spirited, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex and Asexual community.
At this time, we continue to work with governments at all levels to support healing efforts for families and communities of the MMIWG2ST. The Six Nations Elected Council is joining the call for governments to invest in resources for new innovative healing programs and services that will ensure equality for our women so they can live safe and secure lives.