Love, Hope and Courage

There is a coin I keep in my wallet. It’s one of those inspirational tokens you can pick up in the hospital gift shop. On…


It has been brought to my attention that our wonderful readers are not all from my rez and may be unfamiliar with my vernacular.

Everybody back off and let me bead

My most prized possession of all are my 13/0 Charlotte cut seed beads. These rare and tiny beads may seem plain to the untrained eye,…

Pearls of Wisdom from my Mother-in-law

After weeks of life taking over my schedule I finally found some time to clean. Together the kids and I determined to sort through old…

Who defines the seventh generation?

When I was growing up, whenever my mom referred to a mixed breed of anything she would call them a Heinz 57. Usually this was…

Sticks & Stones Might Break My Bones

When I was in eighth grade, there was a group of five girls who made my life a living hell. Every day was torture, and…

We are all survivors

When I was a child, there was nothing as lovely as waking up at my grandparents cottage. Imagine a little log cabin, with a little…

The Scrooge of Halloween

Probably the spookiest experience I ever had was when I worked at the Mush Hole. I was working with a dance company. Our office was…

If you frack with my mother, you frack with me

This week I was glued to my computer. As I watched so far away from my Mi’kmaq relatives, my mind and heart were constantly in…

Let it remain in our minds

I have this certain friend who is my exact opposite: she is a tall, blonde white girl from Texas and I am a short, chubby…

Mourn with those who mourn

My spirit is stirring this week and I find it no coincidence that among the women I know, the feeling is mutual. My kids came…

Coming out of the closet

This morning I woke up with great anticipation of what the day might bring. Here was my plan; go to the gym, do my laundry,…

Comfort Food for the Soul

It’s inevitable. The temperature goes up and down like a yo-yo for a week or two and I get sick. Exhaustion started to take over…

Growing thick skin

The morning of my double mastectomy the sun was shining. It was a beautiful morning and the summer sun was reflecting off the dewy grass,…

Joyful Noise

Laughter is the best medicine as they say, and seems to be the elixir of choice for many Ongwehon:we. A few years ago we were…