SIX NATIONS — Six Nations Elected Chief Ava Hill sent a letter of support for the ongoing stand against the Dakota Access Pipeline near Standing Rock.
“As the most populated First Nation in Canada with more than 26,000 members; Six Nations of the Grand River is honoured to stand with Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in opposition of the Dakota Access Pipeline,” the letter states.
The Elected Chief called on the US. Army Corps of Engineers to reassess the pipeline and rescind approval for its construction.
The letter, which was written on behalf of Six Nations Elected Council, says the risks involved in the pipeline will impact indigenous people.
“The construction and operation of the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline poses detrimental and irreversible risks to our current and, most importantly, our seventh generation. calls for unity on environmental issues,” she writes.
Chief Hill said it is the inherent right of indigenous people to protect their indigenous territories.
“For many years First Nations have co-existed in peace and friendship with other Nations, sharing the lands and natural resources found within the traditional territories of Indigenous people,” Chief Hill writes. “This same partnership must exist between humanity and Mother Earth, preserving the lands and natural resources for the right of all people.”
The letter, which was posted to SNEC’s Facebook page Friday, was widely shared by First Nations and Metis people across Ontario, some calling for their own communities to issue similar official letters of support to Standing Rock.
Officials for the Sacred Stones camp, which is the main camp blocking the passage of the Dakota Access Pipeline across the Missouri River, is estimated to have over 4000 supporters on the ground.
Delegations have been sent from indigenous tribes throughout the United States. Late last week observers from Amnesty International arrived at the camp at the request of organizers to ensure the human rights of demonstrators were being upheld.