Winter Concerts a success

SIX NATIONS — This years Winter Concert held at the Oliver M. Smith Elementary School landed on Tuesday evening, with vehicles of doting parents, family and friends of students filling the parking lot and lining the road side. The evening was also the night of the Lloyd S. King Winter Concert in the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.

Visitors flooded the gymnasium to watch the performances of the primary grades that filled the stage with holiday cheer.

Music Teacher and Concert Co-Ordinator James Martin said that this year, the concert began with something “very cool.”

“This year was the first year that we had our O.M.S.K. Band,” he said. “so through home and school, we purchased clarinets, a trombone, trumpet — all kinds of instruments. And then the students used those to perform our very first act.”

Martin went on to explain that each of the teachers and their students worked “extremely hard” in the past month to ready their performances.

“I feel that [the concert] is really good, and it was nice to see,” he said.

On the following Wednesday, December 18 the junior and intermediate ages will perform their Winter Concert performances at 5 p.m..

The next event to take place for O.M.S Elementary students will be the Sister’s of the Dancing Deer 4th Mayan Fire Ceremony, which is to recognize 2019’s Mayan Calendar year on the date of the Winter Solstice at the Land of the Dancing Deer on Saturday, 21 December.

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