With federal funding and federal leadership, the Government of Canada and several First Nations are changing how housing gets built in communities. With a greater focus on density and affordable housing, more homes will be built for Canadians at prices they can afford.
On April 5, the Government of Canada, Long Lake #58 First Nation, Red Rock Indian Band, Whitesand First Nation, Wapekeka First Nation, Webequie First Nation, Wunnumin First Nation, Aroland First Nation, Muskrat Dam Lake First Nation and Shoal Lake 40 First Nation announced they reached an agreement to fast track over 200 housing units over the next three years.
This work will help spur the construction of more than 1,400 homes over the next decade.
“We are excited and proud to announce these agreements through the Housing Accelerator Fund today. Addressing the unique housing barriers that Indigenous communities face is essential to ensuring that people can remain in their communities, connected to their families and culture. We will keep working with Indigenous partners and all levels of government, to get more homes built for Canadians at prices they can afford,” said Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Sean Fraser.
These agreements under the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), will provide over $15.3 million to eliminate barriers to building the housing that is needed.
Long Lake #58 First Nation, Whitesand First Nation, Webequie First Nation, Aroland First Nation and Muskrat Dam First Nation’s planned initiatives include community consultations about different housing types and for the design and development of a new subdivision, which will create new serviced lots for housing development. The community will also establish relationships with non-profit housing partners in collaboration with its new Housing Supply Coordinator.
The Red Rock Indian Band’s planned initiatives include the development of housing policies that cater to a growing community and an aging population, and the creation of a construction crew as well as the purchase of construction tools and machines that align with project needs, quality standards and sustainable practices, which will set the stage for streamlined and proficient construction processes. Red Rock Indian Band will also undertake staff training and update its infrastructure planning.
Wapekeka First Nation and Wunnumin First Nation’s planned initiatives include the development of a new process for building and construction permitting, an aggregate supply study as well as a review of infrastructure needs in the community to support the growing population and to close the housing gap. They will also purchase tools and equipment needed for housing construction in the community and establish a Quonset warehouse to store building materials.
Shoal Lake 40 First Nation’s planned initiatives include the design and construction of new subdivisions to address both immediate and longer-term needs, the development of a housing policy for the allocation of housing units within the community, establishing fire and flooding mitigation plans, creating a feasibility study for young adult housing, as well as a plan for accessible, purpose-built housing for elders.
HAF is helping cut red tape and fast track at least 100,000 permitted new homes over the first three years, which cities and regions estimate will lead to the creation of over 750,000 permitted new homes for people in towns, cities, and Indigenous communities across Canada over the next decade. It asks for innovative action plans from local governments, and once approved, provides upfront funding to ensure the timely building of new homes, as well as additional funds upon delivering results. Local governments are encouraged to think big and be bold in their approaches, which could include accelerating project timelines, allowing increased housing density, and encouraging affordable housing units.
Funding provided for these projects is as follows:
$2.6 million for Long Lake #58 First Nation
$531,000 for Red Rock Indian Band
$1.4 million for Whitesand First Nation
$1.8 million for Wapekeka First Nation
$1.1 million for Webequie First Nation
$1.8 million for Wunnumin First Nation
$2.4 million for Aroland First Nation
$1.7 million for Muskrat Dam Lake First Nation
$2.1 million for Shoal Lake 40 First Nation
“Indigenous Peoples and every Canadian deserve a safe place to call home. This investment is helping make this a reality for Indigenous families in Northern Ontario and across the country. It will accelerate the construction of safe and affordable housing to meet the unique needs of communities. This is essential for Indigenous children to have the fair chance at success that they deserve,” said Minister of Indigenous Services and Member of Parliament for Thunder Bay Patty Hadju.