OHSWEKEN — Work is now underway to close the Six Nations Landfill Site for good and transition trash collection at the new Transfer Station.
SNGR says clay soil loads will be brought into the landfill site to tamp down the old landfill space. Details on the soil being brought in to complete the closure were issued in a publicly accessible online folder.
“We will be continuing to test the soil every 5,000 cubic meters and posting them for the community to view at the same link,” said SNGR.
Hauling of the soil will be complete by the end of August and will only be taking place from Monday to Friday between the hours of 7AM to 5PM. All trucks will be labelled with the A6N logo and will follow strict hauling routes from Highway 6, down Fourth Line to the Six Nations Landfill Site.
SNGR says the transfer station will be open in early July.