OHSWEKEN – The North American Native Sisters fastball team is being put together for the World Masters Games tournament in Auckland, New Zealand, in April 2017.
With flights and lodging the total bill is going to be a whopping $56,000 so fundraising is currently in full swing.
Connie Powless and five others ladies from Six Nations participated in the World Masters Games in Italy with a team put together from across North America, but this year in Auckland, the North American Native Sisters will comprise of mostly Six Nations women.
“We realized we have enough talented girls from here to put a full team together,” says Powless. “There are two girls from Oneida, a pitcher and a fielder, who have shown interest in coming with us, but that isn’t sure yet.”
Although it is relatively early, Powless knows that the fundraising for New Zealand has been going on since October of 2016.
“Some of the girls will have to arrange two weeks off work to take part,” she says.
Watch for other fundraisers planned, which include a thing called “Chase the Queen”. It’s kind of a variation of a 50/50 draw where a weekly draw is made every Saturday at Route 54, and the person whose ballot is selected gets to draw a card from a deck of cards. If it is the Queen of Hearts, they win the progressive prize money worth $700 at this time. The first draw winner walked away with $2,500.
Volleyball games, food booths and pretty well any event that attracts people is where the Sisters will be until it’s time to leave. If you’d like to make a donation, call Connie Powless at 519-445-2901 and leave a message, or any of the team members.
“Watch for us and help if you can,” says Powless.