BRANTFORD – Friday night, May 12, will be boxing night at the Brantford Curling Club Six Nations with Six Nations fighter Karl “The Razor” Hess headlining the card, hosted by Brantford’s Black-Eye Boxing Club.
The Razor will be fighting a seasoned veteran from the notorious Cabbagetown Boxing Club in Toronto, Steve Hagan who has 22 fights under his belt.
“How’s his chances?” Black Eye Boxing manager, Jackie Armour, was asked.
“It doesn’t matter how many fights he [Hagan] has had, there is nobody like Karl. Either way it is going to be a great test for Karl to see how he stacks up now that he is fighting in the open class,” said Armour.
Also on the card will be Paul Longboat, who happens to be Karl’s cousin also from Six Nations in his debut fight, facing Cam Maurer from Boomerz Boxing Club in London, Ont. Longboat is a powerful heavyweight, six-foot-three-inches tall in stature and 260 lbs.
“It’s going to be an exciting night,” predicts Armour.
Also on the card will be 19-year-old Nikita Abbot, who is fighting for her first title at the Nationals this week.
The gate will open at 6 p.m. and the first bell rings in at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15 in advance, from the club by calling 519-732-7268 or on the Black-Eye Boxing Club Facebook page. Otherwise it will be $20 for a full card of great fights, as many as 12, at various weight classes and experience levels.