SIX NATIONS – The first rigorous try-out practice for the Girls U19 Team and the Senior Women’s Field Team was held Sunday Feb. 21 in the evening at the I.L.A.
Simply watching the try-out practise can easily allow one to figure out that both age groups are full of lacrosse prodigies, and those already maintaining lacrosse scholarships. Senior Coach Marisa Dibari, a Toronto local, said that even though the Seniors placed second last year, in their hearts, “they’re first place”.
“I’m really excited about this year and we have some good U19’s coming up,” said Dibari. “I think the dynamic over the last couple of years that I’ve been coaching them has been so awesome with the ladies. They’re an awesome team and they’re so talented. I have a great feeling about this year and I definitely think it will be better than next year,” she said, pointing out that Tawnie Johnson will be huge asset to the team.
“We’re a very committed team,” said Dibari. “Everybody’s become very close. There’s girls that don’t live in this community but still play on the team, and everybody’s welcomed those girls in,” she said, mentioning that the Seniors are known as “the team to beat” as well as the “team to play for”. “We decided this year to do our practises with the U19’s, which is awesome because Tawnie and Jason are coaching the U19’s and Jason brings in this wealth of knowledge from the men’s game,” she said.
The women’s game is played using agility, endurance and aggression balanced with communication, poise and control; making the women that play it dedicated and driven athletes. Of these athletes is accomplished Senior Team Captain Sam Miller who explained that the team this year is hoped to be one of the best.
“I think it’s gonna be a good year for us, we just gotta work,” said Miller. “From last year we got a lot of girls and a lot more talent and I think this year will probably be the same, but maybe a lot better,” she said. “Now, we’ve actually got a coach, because a lot of the seasons we just kind of got away with player coaches, so we never really had structural practises,” she said, “But, anybody can come out and we’re always looking,” she said, explaining that a lot of the players from the previous year are in school currently, but will be returning.
“Last year was probably one of our best seasons because we ended up coming in second place (provincially), and the past couple of years before that we haven’t really been up there in a long time. So, like I said, there’s a lot more girls coming out, and that’s what we need,” said Miller.
The next try-out is scheduled for next week, and will likely showcase just as much talent and dedication as the week before.