Eating “Family Style”

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending a wonderful outdoor wedding at Ruthven Park in Cayuga. One thing that stood out in the…

Corn Smut

An elder who gifted us with white corn seeds set the intention “I hope you get some smut on the corn you’ll grow.” Two weeks…

An Affinity for Fennel

To be honest, I'm not sure where my appreciation for fennel came from. I was never really a fan of anise or black licorice flavoured…

Learning while playing together

This week I had the pleasure of helping plan a menu and facilitating an interactive workshop for the Tsya:ta nihati tehotinonnyahkwenh (Star Dancers) Summer Camp.…

Our First Crop Planted and Harvested

Hard work and patience have finally come to fruition with the harvest of our first crop; garlic. I am currently feeling a sense of accomplishment…

Loving you is sometimes chard

There is a particular leafy green that always catches my girlfriend’s eye at the Farmers Market. She usually lets out an excited shriek and claps…

Sweet, Sweet Corn!

It's that time of year when local sweet corn starts showing up at farmers markets and grocery stores. I have always been excited to throw…

Found Friendship in the Weeds

Found Friendship in the Weeds By Joe Farrell Over the last month, I have been so fortunate to cook with a buddy whom I hired…

Chop chop chop

Each time I have the opportunity to cook with youth, my own understanding of the culinary trade and craft strengthens.  It improves my ability to…

Family, Friendship & Powwows

Some of my fondest childhood memories are of going to pow-wows with my family in Manitoulin. Attending the Wikwemikong Annual Cultural Festival pow-wow and dancing…

Like Peas in a Pod

The reality of the season and summer farm life has finally set in. There is always something to do and never enough hours in the…

Strawberry Time!

Strawberry season is upon us. It is a wonderful time of year that needs no introduction.

Suburban Sidewalks to Field Rows

Growing up in the suburban wasteland of Mississauga my connection to farm life was limited to class trips and the odd family visit to a…

The politics of food is seedy

This past weekend I was invited to speak at the local March Against Monsanto. From farmers, to students, to politicians, each speaker shared compelling reasons…

Feeding Community First

Feeding community first is a statement that resonates with me and will be a thought I will continue to explore. To me, it is the…