Plant hardiness zones

Ask Kitty Hello my dear gardeners, I have had several letters asking about the numbers on a plant or seed package that detail hardiness zone,…

The struggle of parenting is real

Last week my 7 year old brought a note home from school. It went something along the lines of ‘Your daughter has missed far too…

Dreaming of gardening

Ask Kitty Hello Everyone, We are halfway through our “dreaming of gardening” month and while sorting letters, I found I have several from folks requesting…

What is your recipe for venison meatloaf?

What is your recipe for venison meatloaf? I saw it on the Healthy Roots Facebook page and it looked awesome. Please offer any tips and…

Onkwehonwe Week in Review: Week of January 13

RCMP confiscate moose meat from hunters in Pine Creek FN PINE CREEK FIRST NATION, SK – On Dec. 15, 2015, Indigenous hunters from Pine Creek…

When you’re too tired to be grown up

Creator has seen it fit to bless me with three daughters; a teenager, seven year old and an infant. Teaching them to be strong indigenous…

Ask Kitty, Happy New Year Everyone!

I have at least a dozen letters asking what can be done in terms of gardening in the cold month of January. Here is my…

Onkwehonwe Week in Review

Blood Reserve grapples with epidemic of Fentanyl addiction Blood Reserve, Alberta – The community seems idyllic, set amongst the Rocky Mountains, but the Blood reserve…

The happiest kids on Sour Springs Road

Every year down on Six at New Years you will hear folks greeting each other with a festive “Nu-yah! Nu-yah!”. For some it is just…

Sled Wars on Christmas vacation

The smell of pine always reminds me of my childhood adventures being back the bush. You know that place in the back of your nostrils…

Loving one another through the generations

  For some women pregnancy is a glorious and sacred time, shrouded in the mystery and awe of woman bringing forth human life. For other…

Learning to make floral soap

Dear Kitty, I learned how to make soap for gifts this year. The soap has pretty colours, but the teacher also suggested growing plants in…

Onkwehonwe Week in Review: Week of December 16

Enbridge’s Line 9B manually shut down by activists Despite ongoing conflict about the constitutional legalities of running a pipeline carrying crude oil through indigenous territories,…

Watering Houseplants

Dear Kitty, I have a question about plants but it’s about my house plants. Is that okay? Here goes — my many house plants are…

Herb garden for gifts

Dear Kitty, I want to make herb garden for gifts to give to family and friends. I have the herbs growing in tiny pots right…