Does Six Nations exist?

Look for Six Nations on any Canadian map and you’ll notice that we are a blank spot, a big empty area according to official resources.…

Justin got Smudged

Before the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was presented to Canada, a lineup of leaders, ministers and officials were smudged by a…

Adam Sandler hates Indians

Make one off-handed remark about the Holocaust and you can get blacklisted from Hollywood and all society forever, but make an entire film perpetuating the…

The responsibility to inform

The community members who lived at Kanonhstaton before the OPP raid of April 20th remember a skinny young activist who went by the name Jeex.…

Canada’s Unique Situation

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) took drastic measures this Monday, November 30th when it disabled comments for indigenous related stories on its website. Earlier this…

Honouring the Wampum

Every major confrontation between Indian and Settler in North America has happened when the settler-guest has gone too far. In Oka confrontation of 1990, the…

Knee-jerk reactions to complex issues not constructive

In response to the Paris terror attacks that left 129 people dead, there are some who feel that immigration and more specifically, Islam is to…

Editorial: Interact, connect and Engage!

There are some who say that Christopher Columbus named the indigenous inhabitants of the Caribbean “Indians” not because he thought he discovered India but because…

Male entitlement runs wild

If Disney’s animated interpretation of the story of Pocahontas has taught us anything it is that indigenous women are restless and unsatisfied, readily available and…

Editorial: Counting the cost of unsettling land claims

If we discount the Doctrine of Discovery and the fraudulent surrender of 1841, most of Ontario (and Canada for that matter) still belongs to the…

Editorial: Barbaric “Christian” Practices

Depending how seriously you take the Two Row Wampum covenant of 1688 you may or may not have voted. Honouring the Two Row means that…

Consensus Means Everyone

A well-meaning friend of mine from Brantford publicly asked me on Facebook why most Six Nations people don’t believe in voting and I gave him…

The Big Lie we all believed

This weekend The Martian topped the box office with a whopping $55 million in ticket sales. Matt Damon stars in the film as a courageous…

St. Serra the Monster

Last week, Pope Francis declared 18th century California missionary Junipero Serra a saint in a move that some news outlets called ‘controversial’. On Monday, a…

Striving to Educate Those in the Dark

  In looking at the history of Europe, one cannot ignore the mistreatment of the earth across the sea. The Europeans faced the tolls of…