Trail of critical errors in Trudeau’s relationship with indigenous people

Justin Trudeau’s personal campaign slogan repeated this phrase: “… there is no relationship more important to me than Canada’s relationship with Indigenous people”. But to…

Smoke, mirrors and roadblocks leave Canadians in the dark about Uni’sto’ten

2019 opens with Indigenous peoples PROTECTING their territory while Justin Trudeau’s Canada continues to try to deceive the Canadian public about the real relations between…

First Nation Land

The land in this stolen country is “owned” by the original people. They agreed to share this land with the newcomers. The newcomer, who fought…

Who benefits when the AFN speaks on behalf of us all?

Mainstream media, Indian and Northern Affairs and the Assembly of First Nations are complicit in their attempt to take the last strongholds of the original…

Opinion: Trudeau’s Proposed Framework is Treaty death

Trudeau came into the Prime Minister’s office stating that no other relationship was as important as the one between Canada and the indigenous people. Trudeau’s…

Grassroots movement needed to counter Ottawa’s virus of greed

The Federal department called the Assembly of First Nations seeks to throw out all existing documentation of First Nations sovereignty. Historic leadership and nations from…


It’s been a year now since I wrote my very first article “The Wind Storm”, which was also the first of nearly thirty articles in…

Elected systems on First Nations are colonial imposed systems

Elections in Indian country are a colonial construct. Prior to settlers, the original people had varied governance systems. In highly complex systems, there were two…

That’s just the way she grows

Have you ever come into crossing with a gathering of trees or a small forest and noticed anything peculiar, or especially out of the ordinary?…

Deep See Dive

Last week, I made my way up to Kawartha Lakes to spend four blissful days in the middle of nowhere with nothing but my love,…

Are there property rights on stolen land?

Canada prides itself on being a country of fairness in human rights issues. How fair is a country when the majority of incarcerated people are…

Ghost Forest

My parents backyard backs onto an acre of a sparse and symmetrical little walnut forest. Private and serene, the backyard has always been a place…

Canada’s reconciliation will continue to fail

Canada the settler state, that exists because of the International treaties signed between the U.K. Crown and the First Nation people; has a distorted view…

‘White Paper: The Remix’ is not authentic First Nations governance

The Federal government under Trudeau has rolled out a rights framework legislation, which can more easily be understood as the White paper of 2018. Recognition…

Giving honour to the late falling snow

There’s been something different about this unrelenting snow. Maybe it’s my age and I’m getting sentimental. But I just can’t get mad that it isn’t…