BRANTFORD — Six Nations Polytechnic revealed a mural in the lobby of their Brantford Campus that takes viewers on a journey of Hodinohso:ni education from time immemorial. The school commissioned artist Raymond Skye to create four panels that each had a different theme or focus on an aspect of education for the Hodinohso:ni.
Skye revealed the installation along with officials from Six Nations Polytechnic. Six Nations Elected Chief Ava Hill and Brantford Mayor Ken Davis were also in attendance. Skye told those present for the reveal the background into the four panel mural. Skye said the first panel focuses on Haudenosaunee historical way of life including oral traditions, the longhouse dwelling, and the celebration of seasons. The second panel theme is peace — depicting the confederation of the Hodinohso:ni as expressed by the Great Law of Peace as well as first contact with Europeans.
Skye explained the third wall giving respect to the stories of survival from former residential school students — bringing attention to a dark period in the history of Canada.
The fourth and final panel, Skye said, emphasizes resilience and modern education.
The mural will be a welcome addition to the campus which seeks to provide a supportive, culturally based learning environment for all its students.
Linda Parker, Director of Operations and Advancement for the Brantford campus shares her thoughts on the spectacular new addition to the campus. “This stunning four-part mural tells a significant story that will deeply enrich the learning of all that experience this journey with us. It beautifully details our Hodinohso:ni history and ways of knowing and being, the spirit of the two-row and peaceful co-existence, and ultimately, the resilience of our people.”